英鹏国际(UPIC LTD)是经英国和中国正式批准的国际化专业教育和商务服务机构,公司分别设立在英国爱丁堡市,中国北京市和丹东市,与英国政府、英国商会, 苏格兰国际发展局, 苏格兰旅游局以及多所英国知名大学直接合作。为客户提供专业的留学申请、雅思培训、大学四六级英语培训、青少儿国际英语培训,英国移民和国际商务考察等服务。英鹏国际是北京环球青少儿国际英语丹东分校,通过IS9001质量体系认证,拥有国际领先的教学理念,科学的考前测试系统,完善的课程体系,多元化的教学方法,及时的阶段测试和后续跟踪服务。英鹏国际是国家教育部批准从事留学服务的专业机构,教外综资认字(2000)159号,可办理英国、美国、加拿大、新西兰、新加坡等多国留学。
UPIC Ltd is an international company to provide professional education and business services, which has got the approval from both UK and China. The branch offices locate in Edinburgh of UK, Beijing and Dandong of China. We also have an extensive cooperation with UK government, UK Commerce Agency, Scotland Development Bureau, Scotland Tourism Bureau and many prestigious Colleges and Universities. Currently, we provide services of oversea study applications, training of IELTS, TOFEL, CET4/6 and kids English, UK immigration and overseas business investigations. Meanwhile, UPIC Ltd is a branch of Beijing Global Kids English in Dandong with certification of IS9001, international advanced teaching philosophy, we owned scientific pre-exam testing system, perfect curriculum system, timely stage test and follow-up tracing services. We have been authorized by Chinese Education Ministry with certification of “Foreign-funded Integrated Certification No.(2000)159” to assist overseas study applying for UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Singapore etc.